The study is the first to examine the facial feature preferences of gay men and lesbian women. Gay men and straight men did not agree on the types of male faces they considered attractive.' 'Men, gay or straight, prefer high sexual dimorphism in the faces of the sex that they are attracted to. Also, the types of male faces that gay men found attractive generally did not mirror the types of faces that straight women found attractive on average,' says Glassenberg. 'Our work showed that gay men found highly masculine male faces to be significantly more attractive than feminine male faces. Glassenberg's co-authors are David Feinberg of McMaster University, Benedict Jones and Lisa DeBruine of Aberdeen University, and Anthony Little of Stirling University. student in organizational behavior in Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School. The research is currently published online in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, and was led by Aaron Glassenberg, while completing his master's degree in the Department of Psychology at Harvard. The findings suggest that regardless of sexual orientation, men's brains are wired for attraction to sexually dimorphic faces - those with facial features that are most synonymous with their gender.